Wuhan Lab: Yes, We Had Sick Bats But They Didn’t Have COVID-19
The director of the virology lab in Wuhan, China, which members of the Trump administration have accused of starting the coronavirus pandemic, says they were working on three live strains of bat coronavirus, but that none of them matched the COVID-19 strain, according to the Guardian. Wang Yani made the remarks on Chinese broadcaster CGTN on Sunday, saying that the COVID-19 strain only had a match rate of 79.8 percent to the bat viruses they were working on last winter. “Our institute first received the clinical sample of the unknown pneumonia on December 30 last year,” she said. “We didn’t have any knowledge before that, nor had we ever encountered, researched or kept the virus. In fact, like everyone else, we didn’t even know the virus existed. How could it have leaked from our lab when we never had it?”