
13 Must-See Moments From Election Night (VIDEO)

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From Obama’s win to Akin’s defeat, Sullivan’s celebration to Rove’s meltdown, watch the most memorable moments.

Matt Rourke / AP Photo

O’Reilly: White Establishment Now the Minority

Not surprisingly, Fox News was up to its old tricks throughout the evening, whether predicting a resounding Romney victory or belittling Obama’s success. In speculating how the president might pull off a reelection, Bill O’Reilly pulled the race card, arguing that “the white establishment is now the minority” and the country is “not a traditional America anymore.”

Republicans Retain the House


At 9:07 p.m. ET, CNN called what may have been the most important race of the night: the contest to control the House of Representatives. Not surprisingly, Republicans will maintain control of Congress’s lower chamber, but the question now remains: will Obama face the same intransigence he has over the past four years?

Pennsylvania Stays Blue

Pennsylvania, with its 20 electoral-college votes, was one of the first crucial states to be called for Obama. Although the media never really considered it a battleground state, Pennsylvania had been a “backup plan” for Romney if he were to lose Ohio. It last went Republican in 1988.

Warren Wins/Mourdock Loses

The results of two of the most important, and most polarizing, Senate races landed at virtually the same time. In Massachusetts, Democrat Elizabeth Warren defeated Scott Brown, the Republican who took over Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat and spoiled the Democrats’ supermajority—becoming the state’s first female senator. And in Indiana, Democrat Joe Donnelly trumped the controversial Richard Mourdock, who had been roundly censured for his comments that pregnancy from rape is a “gift from god.” These two victories essentially ensured a Democratic Senate.

Todd Akin Says Goodbye

After losing his Missouri senate bid to Claire McCaskill, Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin delivered his concession speech. “We believe life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness come from almighty God, not an almighty government,” he said.

What’s Up With Diane Sawyer?

Questions swirled in the Twitterscape and blogosphere: what was going on with Diane Sawyer, the normally well-composed ABC anchor? Slurring her words and stumbling on her delivery, people wondered aloud if, gasp, Sawyer was drunk on air. Because you know if it’s on Twitter, it must be true.

And the Winner Is…

It all happened so fast. One moment the presidential race was too close to call, and then, in the blink of an eye, it was over. First, Iowa fell. Then, out of nowhere, Ohio turned blue so quickly it seemed to take the news media, and the nation, by surprise. Even with swing states Florida and Virginia up in the air, the election was decided: President Obama had won a second term.

Rove: It’s Not Over Yet

Everyone (even Fox News!) was calling the election for President Obama, but Karl Rove still refused to admit defeat, instead choosing to argue with his anchors on air. Even Megyn Kelly had to ask him, “You know how the science works, right?”

Andrew Sullivan: Wheeeee!

After months of advocating for Obama, The Dish’s Andrew Sullivan reveled in the president’s reelection on a live broadcast of The Colbert Report, exclaiming: “There’s a black man in power who has nothing to lose.” Colbert, of course, was dejected.

Romney Throws In the Towel

After losing the White House, Romney addressed a crowd of supporters in Boston and called for bipartisanship in Washington: “Leaders have to reach across the aisle to do the people’s work.”

Obama: The Best Is Yet to Come

Thanking supporters in Chicago after winning reelection, President Obama promised Americans that his second term will be better than his first. “I will always be grateful,” he said.

He laid out a powerful vision for “what makes America great…”

Then closed with a recycled, but always poignant, “red state/blue state/UNITED states” kicker.

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