Florida’s scorched-earth revenge on Disney is taking taxpayers and municipal-bond investors hostage.
Nicole Gelinas is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal, and a columnist at the New York Post. She tweets at @nicolegelinas.
Republicans may not want to bail out blue states, but they can’t afford to let them go under.
No Fair
You’d think the president was from rural Nebraska the way this plan is tilted in favor of rural America. High-speed rail, new Hudson River tunnel? Fuggedaboutit
‘Almost Inevitable’
The Second Avenue line looked like a sure thing—in 1929. In 2017, the first short leg of it will finally appear. Here’s what (mostly didn’t) happen in all that time.
The Great Recession changed everything, and the leading figures in both parties failed to grasp how deeply. And so we got what we’ve got.