Sarah Stodola is the author of the forthcoming book Process: The Writing Lives of Great Authors. In addition to The Daily Beast, her writing has appeared in The New York Times, Slate, The Wall Street Journal and The Awl, among others.


From a National Book Award winner’s raw yet elegant memoir to an architect of the modern Internet who died during the 9/11 attacks.

Obese characters used to be there for comic relief, but as our waistlines expand, fiction writers are starting to take them more seriously. Sarah Stodola weighs the state of obesity in the novel.

Fighting Words

Bret Easton Ellis unleashed a string of nasty tweets on the late David Foster Wallace, but it’s not the first literary assault on Twitter.

From Jack Kerouac’s newly published first novel to Irene Nemirovsky’s forgotten work, 10 novels that were thought lost but then found. By Sarah Stodola.

Lovers have penned their passions to one another for centuries. In Love Letters, the British Library has collected some of the more memorable missives.