Ex-Speaker: GOP’s Anti-McCarthy Votes Are ‘Astonishingly Destructive’
The eight House Republicans who voted Tuesday to remove Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House are “traitors” to their party because of their “astonishingly destructive” decision, according to Newt Gingrich, who held McCarthy’s job in the 1990s. The representatives, like Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), should each face challengers in their 2024 primaries, Gingrich demanded on Fox News’ Hannity, and ultimately they “should all be driven out of public life.” The members went “to the other team to cause total chaos,” Gingrich griped, before making the same plea that some other right-wing commentators have done following McCarthy’s ouster: “We ought to be focusing on Biden. We ought to be focusing on the economy. We ought to be focusing on the border. Instead, you’re going to get a week or ten days of the media focusing on Republican disarray.” Gaetz, Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett, and the six others are “ego-centric” and “think they’re superior to 96 percent of the [Republican House] conference,” Gingrich added.