Real estate
That interaction is now reportedly the subject of an investigation by the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct.
The swanky co-op is home to Wall Street tycoons, Michael J. Fox, a Rockefeller scion, and heirs to massive fortunes.
Lawyers for New York real estate mogul Jack Cayre filed a default notice this week demanding the money.
The listing describes the property as “a secluded haven” with “classic Southern elegance and traditional style.”
Nir Meir, the 49-year-old former managing principal of HFZ Capital Group, was indicted for tax fraud, falsifying business records, and various counts of larceny.
The developers have filed a new court challenge, and opponents are making insinuations about town officials in the latest bitter chapter of the controversy.
Tracy Kasper stepped down after receiving “a threat to disclose a past personal, non-financial matter unless she compromised her position at NAR,” the organization said.