Thomas Jefferson
Among the complaints against King George in the Declaration of Independence? That he “has obstructed the administration of justice.”
As the working class expanded and fragmented, cultural appeals replaced economic ones and organized labor, and laborers, paid the cost.
The fortunes of this historic beverage have gone up and down over the last several centuries.
When fire ravaged the Library of Congress in 1851, the cultural casualties included portraits of America’s first three presidents—Washington, Adams and Jefferson—by Gilbert Stuart.
Uriah P. Levy’s obscurity reflects the lingering impact of the anti-Semitism that dismissed his accomplishments—yet also inspired his devotion to Thomas Jefferson.
The far right knows to play backlash politics to draw more recruits. And the left, by coming after Washington and Jefferson, may just be helping them.
The heads of the House Oversight Committee say the ex-national security adviser hid payments from Russia and Turkey. Meanwhile, the White House won’t give them documents.