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Harry’s memoir is a swirl of rumors
Will it be worse than the royals expected? Has it been toned down? Ramped up? Healing? Damaging? The British press is running a high temperature this weekend, brought on by feverish speculation and guessing in the dark about what will be in Prince Harry’s memoir, scheduled, as reported, for a January 10 release date.
Harry wrote his memoir to make himself happy, sources told the Telegraph. The paper said the memoir—titled, brutally, Spare—should not be considered a “takedown of his family,” but a story of a life that will be relatable to many others. Those familiar with the manuscript say it is a “beautiful read,” the Telegraph says, “a tale of family idiosyncrasies and struggles with which readers from all walks of life will identify.”
Sources tell the paper not to expect “truth bombs” on the scale of Harry and Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah Winfrey. Not that that may improve royal relations. “The rift between the two camps is now thought to be so deep rooted that any attempt at appeasement would have been considered futile,” the Telegraph says. The book will still “take aim” at members of the royal family, most likely his father King Charles, as he writes about the cycle of “genetic pain and suffering” Harry says he has endured.
“You can’t kind of always live your life trying to make your family or your siblings happy,” a source said. “You have to choose your own happiness.”
Well, yup, thanks for that validation, oh wise and kind source.
Right now, the theme of the book seems mushy and indistinct—showing the reader how one goes “through hard times, struggle with grief and uncertainty about your future but still come out the other side,” the Telegraph says. So, another episode of Oprah, then, in book form.
Harry could be in the U.K. early next year ahead of the book’s release to promote it, the Telegraph said, citing sources.
Meanwhile, the Sun reports that Harry had to submit his new book more than once to his publishers, leading the paper to wonder—as many others have—whether he’s had to “sex up” his book, i.e. inject more spice and scandal and dish, so they get their money’s worth. Harry has also asked exes and friends to speak to his ghostwriter, JR Moehringer. A publishing source said the word was Harry “was paid an advance to write the book and then a second installment on delivery of ‘an acceptable’ manuscript.”
A source told the paper: “The book has been back and forth between Harry and JR Moehringer and the publishers a few times. They wanted more than was in the first draft, and then Harry wanted to refine things after the Queen passed away. But there has been extra toing and froing that people don’t know about. This is because the publishers wanted more areas covered and more detail on some things that were already included. “There is a real concern that that means Harry has had to sex up the book and include revelations that even he might not even be that comfortable with.”
So, what one source calls “hurtful criticism” could eventually make it into the memoir, even if Harry’s exes and friends are said to be surprised to have been given the green light, indeed asked to talk about him, after so long of Harry insisting they don’t talk to the media. A source said: “Harry did reach out. Friends and girlfriends were polite and said they would think about it but ultimately most said No. It was felt to be kind of ironic that Harry would hit the roof if he ever had an inkling they spoke to the media, but now he wants them to when he needs their help.”
Harry’s Christmas near miss
Unsurprisingly, given the above, Harry and Meghan won’t be spending Christmas in the bosom of their family. Sources told the Mirror that relations between the Californians and the Windsors are “near rock bottom,” and that the Sussexes have “no plans” for a U.K. Christmas.
Another source told the Mirror: “This book could spell the end for any relationship Harry wants to have with his family, it’s desperately sad.”
Kate speaks out on addiction
Kate Middleton used a speech this week to urge understanding towards addicts. Kate, in her role as patron of addiction charity The Forward Trust, said: “Attitudes are changing but we are not there yet and we need to be. Still the shame of addiction is stopping people and families asking for help and people are still tragically losing their lives.
“We as a society need to recognize that the only way to help those suffering is to try and understand what has led them to addiction, to empathize with them and to be compassionate to their struggles.”
Prince William might go to the World Cup
When he initially said he wouldn’t be able to make it to the soccer World Cup in Qatar, many social justice campaigners assumed Prince William was staying away to protest the repressive country’s human rights record.
Indeed, campaigner Peter Tatchell, who staged a one-man protest against Qatar’s criminalization of LGBTQ people earlier this week, welcomed William’s apparent decision, saying: “I am no royalist but I applaud Prince William’s decision not to attend the World Cup in Qatar. He is setting an example to celebrities and governments everywhere. I urge them to follow his exemplary leadership.”
However, a source told The Daily Beast that while there were no current plans to go, this really was because of a busy schedule, but that if England did “proceed to the latter stages” William might “try and move things” to get there.
No easy solutions
A conservation charity headed up by Prince Harry, African Parks (AP), which manages vast tracts of land in Africa, defending wildlife with weapons and helicopters, is being used by jihadists in Benin, Africa, to drum up support for Islamist insurgency.
An African Al-Qaeda affiliate, Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM) has used the royal charity as a recruiting tool, saying it is a “proxy military force of the West,” The London Times reports, exploiting locals anger about being locked out of the parks by AP.
“There are growing reports that jihadists aligned with JNIM are using the closure of parks for conservation and security reasons as propaganda for recruitment,” Aneliese Bernard, a regional expert who worked for the US State Department in Niger, told the Times.
This week in royal history
On October 31 1955, Princess Margaret announced she would not marry Group Captain Peter Townsend. In a statement read on BBC Radio, Margaret said: “I have been aware that, subject to my renouncing my rights of succession, it might have been possible for me to contract a civil marriage. But, mindful of the Church's teaching that Christian marriage is indissoluble, and conscious of my duty to the Commonwealth, I have resolved to put these considerations before any others. I have reached this decision entirely alone, and in doing so I have been strengthened by the unfailing support and devotion of Group Captain Townsend.”
Unanswered questions
So, will Harry’s memoir go hard or go gentle? The mystery over what’s in the book continues.
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