‘Superfly’ Actor Gets 50 Years to Life for Luring Models Then Raping Them
Los Angeles rapper and Superfly extra Kaalan Walker has been sentenced to 50 years to life in prison for several counts of rape. Police said the 27-year-old would reach out to models offering to help them, luring them to locations he said were for music video shoots or places to meet other celebrities. Once he was alone with the women, he would sexually assault them. Walker was arrested in 2018 and later convicted of three counts of forcible rape, two counts of statutory rape and two counts of rape by intoxication, according to the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office. His defense lawyer, Andrew Flier, claimed, “Each one of these women voluntarily made their own decisions,” according to NBC Los Angeles. “He didn’t force them. ... It’s payback to Mr. Walker and we’re not going to let that happen.” However, Deputy District Attorney Cynthia Wallace said Walker was “truly a predator.”