Conservative Coalition Recruiting for Plan to Dismantle Federal Government
A coalition of right-wing organizations has started recruiting thousands of people as part of a project aimed at gutting the federal government in anticipation of a Republican victory in the 2024 election, according to a report. The coalition led by the Heritage Foundation think tank has already signed up hundreds of people as part of the effort dubbed “Project 2025”—an unprecedented attempt to avoid the setbacks Donald Trump faced during his first term in office by having civic infrastructure immediately in place to allow a conservative president to begin implementing his or her political vision. The Associated Press reports that the plan to eradicate what the GOP calls the “deep state” would involve, in part, the firing of up to 50,000 current federal employees. “We need to flood the zone with conservatives,” Paul Dans, the project’s director, said. “This is a clarion call to come to Washington,” he added. “People need to lay down their tools and step aside from their professional life and say, ‘This is my lifetime moment to serve.’”