‘Read It, Man’: Biden Gives a Sassy Response to Abortion Question
President Joe Biden fired off a sassy response to a reporter who asked about his stance on abortion on Thursday. As he stopped to answer questions outside the White House, the reporter asked if Biden supported “any restrictions on abortion at all?” Biden replied that there should be, and the reporter asked what they would be. “Roe v. Wade. Read it, man. You’ll get educated,” he quipped before dashing off to a helicopter waiting to take him to Pennsylvania for campaign events. As the midterms approach, and in the wake of Roe v Wade being overturned, some candidates have struggled to clarify what legal parameters they would support on abortion. In the landmark 1973 case, no restrictions were permitted during the first trimester. During the second trimester, states were permitted to regulate abortion to protect the health of the woman, and in the third trimester, states could regulate abortion to promote its interests in protecting the life of the fetus unless an abortion was necessary to preserve the mother’s life.