American Legion Commander Resigns After Members Wear Blackface to Halloween Party
After hosting a Halloween party with two attendees in blackface, the commander of the American Legion in Frewsburg, New York, has resigned alongside the two members. The two Sons of the American Legion dressed as Black lawn jockeys, wearing black gloves and black face masks with large lips and eyes alongside red vests and hats, and carrying a prop lantern. The event was hosted at The Carroll Rod and Gun Club, which released a Facebook statement, saying, “We would like to acknowledge the controversy some people have taken over a recent Halloween Costume party. We are a private club which consists of over 1,100 members of ALL ethnic groups, of which were in attendance that night.” The club has since deleted their page. Commander James Rossing of Samuel L. Derby Post 556 stepped down Tuesday after the Legion launched an investigation, with a spokesperson saying the organization is “outraged” and confirming he’s no longer a member. The Legion didn’t name the two members who wore blackface.