Florida Prison Guards ‘Openly Tout’ White Supremacist Ties to Scare Inmates, Report Says
There’s a white supremacy problem in Florida prisons, according to a newly published investigation by the Associated Press. Corrections officials “regularly receive reports about guards’ membership in the Ku Klux Klan and criminal gangs,” but “few cases” are investigated by higher-ups, the AP report says. Over the summer, three Florida prison guards “who boasted of being white supremacists” beat, pepper sprayed, and tased an inmate who screamed, “I can’t breathe!” during an attack, according to the AP. The next day, they allegedly did it again to another inmate. Both incidents were reportedly carried out in plain view of security cameras, but no one ever investigated either incident, a spokeswoman told the AP, which has reportedly been stonewalled in its attempts to obtain the videos. “I feel like a Jew in a consetration [sic] camp,” the inmate who saw the assaults wrote in a June 23 letter reporting the incident. “That’s the best comparison I can make.”