Justin and Stephanie Shults, the American couple who went missing in Brussels on Tuesday after a terrorist attack killed 31, have not been located, despite initial reports from the State Department. Justin’s brother Levi Sutton removed a social-media post after State backtracked on what appeared to be good news Wednesday. He’d initially posted: “We do not know the severity of their injuries or what hospital they’re at,” but that they’d been located. Hours later, he wrote: “I am disgusted at the information given to us wasn’t 100 percent correct.” He later made his Twitter account private. Justin and Stephanie were reportedly at the departure zone of Brussels Airport, watching Stephanie’s mother, Carolyn Moore, head through security, when the deadly explosives went off. According to the Lexington Herald-Leader, Moore was knocked down by the blast, but was uninjured. She is in Brussels awaiting news of the Shultses. Two other Americans remain missing: siblings Sascha and Alexander Pinczowski.
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