Paul Ryan Blames ‘Trump Hangover’ for Republicans’ Lackluster Midterms
Former House Speaker Paul Ryan believes there would’ve been a bigger “red wave” on Election Day if former President Donald Trump wasn’t aligned with candidates on the ballot. “I think Trump’s kind of a drag on our ticket,” he told WISN 12 News in Janesville, Wisconsin. “I think Donald Trump gives us problems, politically. We lost the House, the Senate and the White House in two years when Trump was on the ballot, or in office. I think we just have some Trump hangover. I think he’s a drag on our office, on our races.” While Ryan said he believes Trump will still announce a 2024 presidential bid, he doesn’t think Trump will score the Republican party nomination because the party wants to actually win. “We have to offer the country a really clear and compelling choice as to how our party is ripe and ready to solve big problems confronting the country and that we’re putting leaders forward that people can vote for that they want to vote for,” he said.