Lookout Wife Gets Harsher Sentence Than Husband Who Tried to Peddle Nuclear Secrets
A former Navy engineer’s wife who acted as a lookout as he attempted to hand off classified government secrets—concealed in a chewing gum wrapper and a peanut butter sandwich, among other items—on Wednesday received a harsher sentence than her husband, with a federal judge chastising her for attempting to make him take all the blame for the plot. U.S. District Judge Gina Groh sentenced Diana Toebbe, 46, to more than 21 years in prison, while Jonathan Toebbe, 44, was handed a 19-year sentence. A decade was effectively added to Diana’s sentence, Groh said, because of two letters she attempted to smuggle to Jonathan in custody, pleading with him to perjure himself and keep her out of jail. “That’s obstruction, plain and simple,” she added. “It’s encouraging a co-defendant to lie to save the other co-defendant’s rear.” In August, Groh unexpectedly tossed the Toebbes’ plea deals, saying that the sentencing guidelines were “strikingly deficient.” (Under the terms of the deals, prosecutors recommended less than 18 years for Jonathan and just three for Diana.)