Texas AG Paxton Used Fake Uber Account to Meet Up With Mistress: Docs
Ken Paxton, Texas’ suspended attorney general, quietly used an Uber account under the name “Dave P” to hide an extramarital affair with a former Capitol staffer, booking rides to see her more than a dozen times in 2020, new filings in his upcoming impeachment trial reveal. The detail of the account, which was set up by Paxton’s friend, Austin real estate developer Nate Paul, is one of several included in the filing to illustrate the depth of the relationship between the two men. In June, Paul was arrested on a federal warrant and indicted on eight charges, at least one of which is tied to the impeachment scandal, according to The Texas Tribune. The new filing alleges that, as federal agents scaled up their investigation into Paul’s activities in 2020, he and Paxton met up to 24 times that year to discuss how the attorney general could stymie the probe. Finding a number of “bizarre ways” to aid his beleaguered buddy, Paxton “morphed the Office of the Attorney General into Paul’s concierge law firm,” according to the filing.